Inclement Weather

Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D.

Date Issued:

August 1, 2011

Last Update:

February 7, 2018


To provide orderly cancellation of classes during extreme weather conditions.

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the OUWB School of Medicine.

Standard Practice Guideline:


The School of Medicine conforms to the OU policy on emergency school closings and inclement weather. Students should pay particular attention to public announcements (radio and television), which will attempt to clearly differentiate (when appropriate) between the School of Medicine and other parts of the University. OU may close for a specified period of time in the event of inclement weather. Please note:

  • If opening the University is delayed, first-year and second-year classes - both on-campus and off- campus - will be canceled until the announced opening time. At that point, the remaining academic schedule for the day will be followed at the normally designated locations and times.
  • If the University is closed, first-year and second-year classes - both on-campus and off- campus - will be canceled. M1/M2 students should not report to the hospital for classes if the University is closed due to inclement weather.
  • M3/M4 students are expected to make every effort to report to work during clerkship/elective months, even though the University may be closed. However, student safety is of the utmost importance. Students are advised to exercise caution as to whether or not to travel. Students who are absent due to inclement weather are required to notify course and clerkship directors as outlined in the syllabus.


Related Policies and Guidelines:

Information from OUPD regarding campus closings:
